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Maricopa Title Alert

Maricopa Title Alert monitors documents recorded with the Maricopa County Recorder’s office and alerts subscribers. This program will notify participating subscribers by email when a document is recorded in a specific individual’s name and/or business name. This service applies only to documents recorded after sign up. Users may unsubscribe or make updates to this service at any time. Maintaining a current email for notification shall be the sole responsibility of the subscriber.

This free service does not constitute a liability on the part of the Maricopa County Recorder’s office. Email addresses and names used for the Maricopa Title Alert are subject to public disclosure per Arizona Revised Statute Title 39.

Note: If you believe that fraud has been committed, please report your findings to the Arizona Attorney General and your local law enforcement agencies. You can contact the Office of the Arizona Attorney General here.


Sign up your email and enter names to be monitored.

Please enter your email address and then enter at least one name to be monitored. View examples of correct name format here.

STEP 2: Select type and enter name(s) to be monitored: *


STEP 3: Select method to receive notifications: *

Note: Email notifications will be sent to the email entered in Step 1.

STEP 4: Select language to receive notifications: *




To unsubscribe, click here.

New Year's Day
Mon, January 2
Mon, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Civil Rights Day
Mon, January 16
Mon, January 15
President's Day
Mon, February 20
Mon, February 19
Memorial Day
Mon, May 29
Mon, May 27
Independence Day
Tue, July 4
Thurs, July 4
Labor Day
Mon, September 4
Mon, September 2
Veteran's Day
Fri, November 10
Mon, November 11
Thanksgiving Day
Thurs, November 23
Thurs, November 28
Day After Thanksgiving
Fri, November 24
Fri, November 29
Christmas Day
Mon, December 25
Wed, December 25
Día de Año Nuevo
Lun, Enero 2
Lun, Enero 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Día de los Derechos Civiles
Lun, Enero 16
Lun, Enero 15
Día del Presidente
Lun, Febrero 20
Lun, Febrero 19
Memorial Day
Lun, Mayo 29
Lun, Mayo 27
Día de la Independencia
Mar, Julio 4
Jue, Julio 4
Día laboral
Lun, Septiembre 4
Lun, Septiembre 2
Día de los Veteranos
Vie, Noviembre 10
Lun, Noviembre 11
Día de Gracias
Jue, Noviembre 23
Jue, Noviembre 28
Día después del Día de Acción de Gracias
Vie, Noviembre 24
Vie, Noviembre 29
Día de Navidad
Lun, Diciembre 25
Miér, Diciembre 25
Copyright © Maricopa County Recorder's Office