December 05, 2023

PHOENIX – Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer is proud to announce another major milestone for Maricopa Title Alert: The free title alert program now has more than 50,000 active users.

This comes less than a week after the program reached 100,000 registered names. Each account represents a Maricopa County resident and users can register as many names as they’d like with the program.

On average, for every account, users register two names. For example, this could be a users first and current last name and a users first name and maiden name.

The program directly alerts users when a document is recorded in Maricopa County under any name they’ve registered under their Maricopa Title Alert account. You can set up these notifications for any name that you may use in documentation including maiden names, nicknames, or even under your business.

Alerts like these are a useful tool to keep subscribers in the know when a document may be recorded in their name.

Maricopa County was the second Arizona county to implement a title alert program and ahead of new state law that now requires all Arizona counties to provide this type of service by 2025.

“I’m so proud to see the continued success of Maricopa Title Alert,” Recorder Richer said of the milestone. “Programs like this provide helpful and cost-effective services that keep our residents, safe, informed, and connected.”

To create an account, go to TitleAlert.Maricopa.Gov.