Map Requirements

The following criteria must be met in order for maps to be accepted by the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office. 

*This is not inclusive and we reserve the right to reject any maps not meeting the ARS guidelines.

**This refers to maps other than those that are 8 ½" X 14" or smaller

MATERIAL – Must be printed on Paper, Polyester or Linen (Mylar) per ARS 11-481-B

AUTHENTICITY – Must be original map or photographic copy of map. (please see criteria for signature) ARS 11-481-B DO NOT USE DIAZO per ARS 11-481-B **Recommended to test copies with kit.

TITLE – Must contain title indicating:

  • type of map or plat
  • name of subdivision or a description of the location of the area by section, township & range
  • name of the owner of record of the property being surveyed
    • Per ARS 11-481-A

      Examples: Record of Survey of Sec. 17, T 21N, R 07E
      Owner: John and Mary Smith
      Final Plat of Cheshire Estates Unit 3 in Sec. 5, T 21 N, R 07E
      Owner: J. Smith Development

  • a place for the recorder's information and seal block on the sheet

SEAL AND SIGNATURE – All seals and signatures must be original per ARS 11-480-A3 and in black ink to ensure quality reproduction. (dark blue ink may be accepted)

LEGIBILITY – All maps must be sufficiently legible to reproduce legibly from microfiche images and contain at least 11 point type per ARS 11-480. We will not be able to accept maps for recordation that have: printing or markings that are lighter than the rest of the map, maps that have information overlapping, or maps that are “mirrored.”

  • 24" X 36"
  • Drawn to accurate scale with at least 11pt. type with left margin of 2 inches
  • Approvals by governing body of City or County with original signatures: per ARS 9-475; ARS 9-478
  • Authorization from Water Commission received by Recorder’s Office (Unless in exempt area: City of Flagstaff) Per ARS 45-108


RECORD OF SURVEY or any other map
  • 18" X 24" or 24" X 36"
  • Drawn to accurate scale with at least 11Pt type with left margin of 2 inches
  • Parcel not split into more than 6 lots Exceptions: Lots are 36 acres or more per ARS 32-2101
All other maps may be recorded if they are letter or legal size on paper or polyester. They will be treated as regular recordings.
Exceptions: Maps required to be recorded by the director of water resources under ARS 45-401 through ARS 45-704